
Table of Contents


About TutorsContactsPro

Unlock the full potential of your teaching journey with TutorsContactsPro, the ultimate desktop tool designed for NUS tutors and teaching assistants in Computer Science courses.

Seamlessly navigate through student information with our intuitive blend of Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

From effortless attendance tracking to personalized student profiles, TutorsContactsPro streamlines administrative tasks for maximum efficiency.

Experience the future of teaching management today with TutorsContactsPro!

About the User Guide

This user guide aims to provide you with the information needed to get started with TutorsContactsPro.

Feel free to turn back to this user guide if you encounter any problems or doubts while using TutorsContactsPro.

  • If you are new to TutorsContactsPro, you may refer to the Navigating the User Guide section first, then to the Getting Started section to start installing and using TutorsContactsPro.

  • If you would like to find out more about its individual features, you may refer to the Command Notes and Features section.

  • If you are an experienced user and want to quickly refer to the various commands, you may refer to the Command Summary section.

  • If you would like to find out more about the technical aspects of TutorsContactsPro, you may refer to our Developer Guide.

  • Finally, if you would like an overview of this entire user guide, you may refer to our Table of Contents.

Throughout this user guide, the following symbols and keywords will be utilized for your convenience.

Icons/Syntax Meaning
ℹ️ Information that you should take note of
💡 Useful advice and tips
⚠️ Warnings you should read before proceeding

Below is the glossary for important technical terms that you may find useful.

Technical terms Meaning
CLI CLI stands for Command Line Interface. It is a text-based interface used for interacting with computer systems and executing commands by typing them into a terminal window.
GUI GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, a visual way of interacting with computers using icons and menus instead of text commands.
Command Command refers to a directive or instruction given to a computer system to perform a specific task or function.
GUI component GUI component refers to an element or part of a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to interact with the software application.
UI A User Interface (UI) refers to the platform or system through which users interact with software applications or electronic devices, encompassing elements like graphical interfaces, command-line interfaces, and voice-controlled interfaces.
Interface An interface is a platform or system that allows users to interact with software applications or electronic devices, aiming to create intuitive and user-friendly experiences.
Domain A domain, in the context of the internet, refers to a unique address used to identify a particular website or network. E.g. for the email address username@example.com, the domain is example.com.
Top-Level Domain (TLD) The top-level domain (TLD) is the part of a website's address that comes after the last dot. It shows what kind of website it is. E.g. for the email address username@example.com, the TLD is .com.

Table Of Contents

Getting Started

Installing and Launching TutorsContactsPro

Step 1: Install Java

Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer. If you don't have Java installed, follow the instructions in Appendix A: Installing Java.

Step 2: Download

Download the latest TutorsContactsPro.jar from here.

Step 3: Set up TutorsContactsPro Home Folder

Copy or move the downloaded TutorsContactsPro.jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your TutorsContactsPro.

Step 4: Launch TutorsContactsPro

  1. Open a terminal (MacOS) or command prompt (Windows).

  2. Navigate to the folder where you placed the TutorsContactsPro.jar file using the cd command. For example, John Doe has his TutorsContactsPro.jar file in /Users/JohnDoe/Desktop/TutorsContactsPro, so he'll run:

    cd /Users/JohnDoe/Desktop/TutorsContactsPro
  3. If you are using terminal, verify that your working directory contains TutorsContactsPro.jar by using the ls command. Else if you are using command prompt, verify that your working directory contains TutorsContactsPro.jar by using the dir command. You should see TutorsContactsPro.jar in the list of files printed. Here's what our John Doe got when running this command.

    JohnDoe@johndoe TutorsContactsPro % ls
  4. Once your terminal's working directory is the folder that contains TutorsContactsPro.jar, run the following command to launch TutorsContactsPro:

    java -jar TutorsContactsPro.jar

    After executing this command, a graphical user interface (GUI) similar to the one below should appear shortly:

Note: The application comes with some sample data for your reference.


Learning about TutorsContactsPro components


A 'Student' is an individual that you will store in TutorsContactsPro. It is an individual that attends one or more Groups that you teach. TutorsContactsPro allows you to store essential information or attributes about the student and remarks for them.


Parameter Representation Prefix Constraints
NAME Name of the student n/ Auto-capitalization will be handled. Extra/trailing/leading spaces will be removed
PHONE_NUMBER Phone number of the student p/ Must be in numerical format with no limitations on the number of digits
EMAIL Email of the student e/ Must be in email format email username@domain but can exclude top-level domain(TLD)
YEAR Academic Year of the student y/ A number ranging from 1 - 6, inclusive
MAJOR Academic Major of the student contact m/ String to represent the major
TELEGRAM_HANDLE Telegram handle of the student tg/ Telegram handle format (a-z, 0-9 and underscores, case-insensitive), without prefix “@”
REMARKS Additional remarks of the student r/ A case-sensitive string. This can be anything
GROUP_NAME Tutorial/Recitation/Lab slot g/ Must be in correct slot format TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number


A Group is a lesson that is taught by you and attended by students. It can only strictly be a Tutorial/Recitation/Lab.


Parameter Representation Prefix Constraints
GROUP_NAME Name of the group g/ Group name must begin with TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number
TELEGRAM_LINK Telegram link of the group tg/ Must be a valid Telegram group link beginning with https://t.me
ATTENDANCE Attendance of the student a/ A string array representing the attendance, initially automatically constructed

Understanding the User Interface (UI)

TutorsContactsPro's UI consists of 4 main parts that you will be using:

  • In the menu bar, you can effortlessly exit TutorsContactsPro or access the help window with just a click of your mouse!
  • Fear not if you are not well-versed in commands, the menu bar offers a beginner-friendly alternative to exit TutorsContactsPro or open the help window.


Upon clicking help on the menu bar or by using the shortcut F1, you will be assisted with a help window pop-up. More is to be explained in help feature.

Command Panel

  • The command panel where you will input commands and receive their corresponding results.
  • You can type in your command in the upper box.
  • And use the lower box to view the results of those commands.

Student Panel

  • The Student panel is a panel that you can use to see the list of students stored in TutorsContactsPro.
  • You can see student's name, phone number, year of study, major, email address, group, Telegram handle and even whatever remarks that you have for each of them as needed!

The following image displays the layout of a student panel. Student Panel

Result and Group Tabs

  • There are labelled tabs below the Student Details header.
  • The leftmost Results tab will display the list of all student contacts that are taught by you.
  • The subsequent tabs are labelled with their respective group names. These tabs display the attendance table details of students that belong to the specific group labelled by that tab.

The following image displays the layout of the group tabs. GroupTabs

The following image summarises the overall layout of TutorsContactsPro's User Interface(UI). UI layout

Quick start

Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
Some example commands you can try:

Refer to the Command Notes and Features below for details of each command.

Table Of Contents

Command Notes and Features

Notes about the command format:

Command format Representation Examples
UPPER_CASE Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user In add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe
square brackets [] Items in square brackets are optional n/NAME [g/Group] can be used as n/John Doe g/TUT07 or as n/John Doe
Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times [g/GROUP]…​ can be used as g/TUT03, g/LAB01, g/REC08, etc.
Order Parameters can be in any order If the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable
Extraneous parameters Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored If the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help

⚠️Warning: If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Basic Commands

This section contains the basic commands of TutorsContactsPro.

Viewing help : help

Allows you to easily access detailed information on how to use the different features in TutorsContactsPro.

help message

Format: help

ℹ️ Information:

  • Strictly enter only the help command. Any inputs after help will be ignored. E.g. When help 44 is entered, the 44 input following help will be ignored and the help command will still be executed.

Listing all students : list

Shows a list of all your students, so that you can conveniently view all their details.

Format: list

💡Tips: Auto-capitalization will be handled. Extra/trailing/leading spaces will be removed. ℹ️ Information:

  • Strictly enter only the list command. Any inputs after list will be ignored. E.g. When list 44 is entered, the 44 input following list will be ignored and the list command will still be executed.

Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all student entries from TutorsContactsPro, so that you can always start afresh in the next teaching semester.

Format: clear

ℹ️ Information:

  • Strictly enter only the clear command. Any inputs after clear will be ignored. E.g. When clear 44 is entered, the 44 input following clear will be ignored and the clear command will still be executed.

Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program and your changes will be saved automatically.

Format: exit

Student Commands

This section contains commands for managing students in TutorsContactsPro.

Adding a student: add

Adds a student to the list. This way, you can keep track of all student details easily.


ℹ️ Information:

  • Allows addition of multiple groups to a student.
  • Allows optional addition of a single remark or group(s) to a student.
  • Allows addition of student emails with domain names, excluding the need for top-level domains(TLD) such as .com or .sg as email can be hosted on a local machine.


  • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com y/2 m/Computer Science tg/johndoe r/Very quiet student g/TUT04 g/LAB05 will add a student named John Doe to your student list.

    • Phone number: 98765432
    • Email address: johnd@example.com
    • Telegram handle: johndoe
    • Year of study: 2
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Remark: Very quiet student
    • Group(s): TUT04 and LAB05
  • add n/Kendra Huetta p/98765367 e/Kendra@example.com y/1 m/Computer Science tg/KendraHuetta r/quiet student g/LAB05 will add a student named Kendra Huetta, to your student list, as shown in the image below.

    • Phone number: 98765367
    • Email address: Kendra@example.com
    • Telegram handle: KendraHuetta
    • Year of study: 1
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Remark: quiet student
    • Group(s): LAB05

result for 'add Kendra Huetta'

Editing a student : edit

Edits an existing student you have selected. This way, you can always keep student details recorded up to date.

Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [y/YEAR] [m/MAJOR] [tg/TELEGRAM_HANDLE] [r/REMARK] [g/Group]…​

ℹ️ Information:

  • Edits the student at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.


  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing groups, the existing groups of the student will be removed i.e adding of groups is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the student’s groups by typing g/ without specifying any groups after it.
  • You can remove the remark of a student by typing r/ without specifying any remark after it.


  • edit 1 n/John e/john01@example.com Edits the name of the first student to John and email to john01@example.com respectively.
  • edit 2 n/Betty tg/ Edits the name of the second student to be Betty and clears her Telegram handle.

Locating students by keyword: find

Finds students whose details include any of the specified keywords. You can find a student even if the keywords match only partially.


ℹ️ Information:

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Only the student's name is searched.
  • Students matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.


  • find John returns students john and John Doe.
  • find Jo returns students John Doe and Johan Louis as shown in the image below. result for 'find Jo'

Filtering students using group: filter

Filters and lists students belonging to any of the given group name keyword. You can filter students only when the keywords match fully.


ℹ️ Information:

  • The search is case-sensitive. e.g tut04 will not match TUT04.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. TUT04 LAB05 will match all students in TUT04 and/or LAB05.
  • Only student's group name is searched.
  • The group name KEYWORD provided must be an existing group in TutorsContactsPro for students to be filtered accurately.
  • When a non-existing group name is provided, TutorsContactsPro will display the status message '0 students listed!'.


  • filter LAB10 returns only Kendra Huetta belonging to group LAB10.

  • filter TUT04 returns John Doe and Johan Louis belonging to group TUT04 as shown in the image below.

    result for 'filter TU'

Marking students attendance by group week number: mark

Marks the student's attendance according to the group name and week number. This way, you can easily keep track of students' attendance details.


⚠️️ Warning:

  • GROUP_NAME must be in the correct format of TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number, the group should exsist in the student
  • WEEK must be a valid week number, from 1 to 13.
  • ATTENDANCE must be either A for absent or Pfor present (should not be 'a' or 'p').

ℹ️ Information:

  • Marks the student at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • All the fields should be provided, index, group, week, attendance.
  • Resize the TutorsContactsPro window to view the full 13 weeks attendance table.


  • You can simply remark by overwritting the attendance


  • mark 1 g/TUT05 w/1 a/P Marks the attendance of the first student in the list. Marks TUT05 week 1 attendance as present.

  • mark 2 g/LAB05 w/1 a/A Marks the attendance of the second student in the list. Marks LAB05 week 1 attendance as absent as shown in the image below.

    result for 'mark 1'

Deleting a student : delete

Deletes your specified student from the current list.

Format: delete INDEX

ℹ️ Information:

  • Deletes the student at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the current displayed student list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • find Betsy followed by delete 1 deletes the 1st student in the results of the find command.
  • list followed by delete 6 deletes the 6th student in TutorsContactsPro. In the example below, John Doe, the 6th student is deleted. result for 'delete 7'

Group Commands

This section contains commands for managing groups in TutorsContactsPro.

Adding a group: addgroup

Adds a new group to TutorsContactsPro, so that you can keep track of the groups you currently teach. TutorsContactsPro will then automatically generate a dedicated tab for each new group added.

format: addgroup g/GROUP_NAME

⚠️️ Warning:

  • GROUP_NAME must be in the correct format of TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number.

ℹ️ Information:

  • Adds a group with a given group name.
  • Group names are unique.


  • addgroup g/LAB12 adds the group LAB12 to TutorsContactsPro.
  • addgroup g/TUT01 adds the group TUT01 to TutorsContactsPro as shown in the image below. result for 'addgroup g/TUT01'

Editing a group: editgroup

Edits an existing group in TutorsContactsPro, allowing you to add or edit the Telegram invite link assigned for each group so that you can remain up to date with each group's information.

Format: editgroup g/GROUP_NAME tg/TELEGRAM_LINK

⚠️️ Warning:

  • GROUP_NAME must be in the correct format of TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number.
  • The Telegram invite link must be a valid Telegram group invite link or an empty string.

ℹ️ Information:

  • Assigns the Telegram group invite link provided in TELEGRAM_LINK to the group with the given GROUP_NAME.


  • editgroup g/LAB12 tg/https://t.me/abcdefg adds the specified Telegram link https://t.me/abcdefg to group LAB12.
  • editgroup g/TUT01 tg/ removes the Telegram link from group TUT01.
  • editgroup g/TUT01 tg/https://t.me/aafhkbwiu adds the specified Telegram link /https://t.me/aafhkbwiu to group TUT01 as shown in the image below. result for 'editgroup g/TUT01 tg/https://t.me/aafhkbwiu'

Deleting a group: deletegroup

Deletes an existing group in TutorsContactsPro, so that you can start a fresh for the next teaching semester. TutorsContactsPro will then remove the dedicated tab for the group deleted.

Format: deletegroup g/GROUP_NAME

⚠️️ Warning:

  • GROUP_NAME must be in the correct format of TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number.


  • deletegroup g/LAB12 deletes the group LAB12 from TutorsContactsPro.
  • deletegroup g/TUT01 deletes the group TUT01 from TutorsContactsPro as shown in the image below. result for 'deletegroup g/TUT01'

Generating email template : mail

Generates a prefilled email template containing the email addresses of students based on specific GROUP NAME entered.

A pop-up window will be generated, allowing you to open the email template with a simple 'click' for greater convenience.

Format: mail [GROUP_NAME]

ℹ️ Information:

  • GROUP_NAME must be in the correct format of TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number.
  • GROUP_NAME must be a valid existing group.
  • It requires a full match for the keyword.
  • GROUP_NAME is optional and when no GROUP_NAME is entered, email addresses of all students on the current list will be included.
  • If GROUP_NAME is entered, only email addresses of students belonging to the GROUP_NAME specified will be included.


  • mail generates a email template containing email addresses of all students on the current list.
  • mail LAB05 generates a email template containing email addresses of all students belonging to LAB05 as shown in the image below.

result for 'mail LAB05'

The image below shows the email template generated. result for 'mail LAB05'

Generates a prefilled email template, including the Telegram link for that specific group and email addresses of student recipients from the specified group.

A pop-up window will be generated, allowing you to open the email template with a simple 'click' for greater convenience.

Format: mailtg g/GROUP_NAME

ℹ️ Information:

  • GROUP_NAME must be in the correct format of TUT/REC/LAB + 2-digit number.
  • GROUP_NAME must be a valid existing group.
  • It requires a full match for the keyword.
  • With contrast to the previous mail command, mail command catered for multiple groups whereas mailtg command is catered to generating an email template with respect to a specific group.


  • mailtg g/TUT04 generates a email template containing the Telegram link for group TUT04 and with pre-filled email addresses of all students belonging to TUT04.
  • mailtg g/LAB05 generates a email template containing the Telegram link for group LAB05 and with pre-filled email addresses of all students belonging to LAB05 as shown in the images below.

result for 'mailtg LAB05'

The image below shows the email template containing the group Telegram link generated. result for 'mailtg LAB05'

Saving the data

TutorsContactsPro data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

TutorsContactsPro data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/addressbook.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

⚠️ Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, TutorsContactsPro will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.
Furthermore, certain edits can cause the TutorsContactsPro to behave in unexpected ways (e.g., if a value entered is outside the acceptable range). Therefore, edit the data file only if you are confident that you can update it correctly.

Archiving data files [coming in v2.0]

Details coming soon ...

Table Of Contents


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install TutorsContactsPros in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your .json file.

Q: How do I save my data?
A: Our TutorsContactsPros ensures the data is saved automatically without any additional functions.

Q: I cannot see my attendance boxes, how can I fix this?
A: Try maximizing the screen size to see all the components in the app.

Q: Is there a mobile version of TutorsContactsPros available?
A: Currently, TutorsContactsPros is only available for desktop use.

Q: How do I update TutorsContactsPros to the latest version?
A: To update TutorsContactsPros, visit our github website and download the latest version. Uninstall the previous version from your computer before installing the new version.

Q: What should I do if TutorsContactsPros crashes?
A: If TutorsContactsPros crashes, restart the application. If the problem persists, reinstall the software and ensure your computer meets the system requirements.

Table Of Contents

Known issues

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.

Table Of Contents

Planned Enhancements

Given below are the planned future enhancements for the application.

  1. Improve add feature: Currently, TutorContactsPro allows the addition of students with the same exact details and names but different case for names which can be misleading. This can result in addition of duplicate students instead. Hence, we plan to improve the add feature to detect whether students added have completely similar details regardless of casing and throw a duplicate student added warning where appropriate.

  2. Allow the display of Telegram invite link: TutorsContactsPro currently only allows the assignment of the Telegram invite link to a specific group via the editgroup command which is not too informative. We plan to improve the interface to include a field to display the Telegram invite link assigned for each specific group.

  3. Improve the group tabs: After marking the attendance in a particular group tab, TutorsContactsPro currently will automatically direct users to the results tab which can result in inconvenience for users. We plan to improve the group tabs interface such that users will still be able to remain on their selected group tab aftering executing any commands.

  4. Improve add Telegram link feature: Currently, TutorsContactsPro only allows the assignment of a Telegram invite link to a specific group via the editgroup command which may not be very intuitive for users. We plan to improve this feature by combining it with the addgroup feature to allow addition of a group together with the Telegram invite link.

  5. Add unmark attendance feature: TutorsContactsPro currently allows TA users to mark the attendance for a particular student which can be inconvenient when users make a mistake marking the attendance and they are unable to undo it. Therefore, in the future, we plan to include an additional unmark attendance feature for a specified student.

  6. Improve generation of email template command: The current mail command only takes in the GROUP_NAME input with no prefixes whereas the mailtg command takes in a g/ prefix with a GROUP_NAME input. The difference in the command format for these two closely related commands can make it complex for users. Therefore, we plan to simplify and standardise the command input for mail and mailtg to be g/GROUP_NAME.

  7. Improve generation of email template command: When executing mail, mailtg command with an invalid group, including an non-existing group, empty group and group without Telegram invite link. TutorsContactsPro currently does not display a warning for users. We plan to improve them such that a warning message will be displayed when the input provided is invalid.

  8. Make filter feature error message more specific: When filtered with a non-existing group, the current error message displays 0 students listed! which is too general. We plan to use filter command to check whether the GROUP_NAME provided is an existing group. The error message will then also mention the reason for failing to filter any students: Group does not exist, 0 students listed!

coming soon ...

Table Of Contents

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Help help
List list
e.g., add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com y/2 m/Computer Science tg/johndoe r/Very quiet student g/TUT04 g/LAB10
e.g., edit 1 n/John e/john01@example.com
e.g.,find john tan
e.g.,filter TUT01
e.g., mark 3 g/TUT02 w/1 a/A
Delete delete INDEX
e.g., delete 1
Addgroup addgroup g/GROUP_NAME
Editgroup editgroup g/GROUP_NAME tg/TELEGRAM_LINK
Deletegroup deletegroup g/GROUP_NAME
Mail mail [GROUP_NAME]
e.g., mail TUT01
Mailtg mailtg g/GROUP_NAME
e.g., mailtg g/TUT01
Clear clear

Table Of Contents

Appendix A: Installing Java

Follow these steps to install Java on your computer:

  1. Download Java 11:
  1. Follow the instructions on Oracle's website
  • Go to the appropriate guide page and follow the instructions based on your operating system to complete the installation.
  1. Verify Installation: After installation, open a terminal (on MacOS) or Command Prompt (on Windows) and run the following commands to verify that Java is installed:
 java -version

If installed correctly, you should see version information for both Java and the Java Compiler. The message should look something like this:

openjdk version "11.0.20" 2023-07-18 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.66+15-CA (build 11.0.20+8-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.66+15-CA (build 11.0.20+8-LTS, mixed mode)

Now, you're ready to proceed with the launching of TutorsContactsPro. Click here to get back to the installation tutorial.

Table Of Contents